Tuesday, 7 January 2014

TIME IS THE ENEMY! Gotta find a way to do more with less and live larger!

Do you often feel like there is not enough time in the day or you keep running outta time? As I've aged and time has passed seemingly in 'the blink of an eye', I've realized there is much I have missed out on and how much more I have to accomplish! Time is uncaring and relentless - it just keeps ticking away and if you don't do something with it you will be old quickly suffering from regret!

On top of that, we also work far too hard and too much. The numbers don't lie - we work and sleep basically two thirds of our lives. That doesn't leave a whole lot more left to take care of life's necessities, enjoy a healthy active lifestyle, travel, do things your own way on your own time, and chase after your personal goals and dreams.

At 47 years old, although I believe I've lived a pretty full, active, and happy life to date, I find that I am thinking more and more about the things I haven't done and outlandish things I want to chase after! I have a happy home, great wife and mother, and four wonderful kids that are quickly becoming self-sufficient young adults at the ages of 19, 18, 16, and 13 but they still keep us hopping and demand our support and guidance. That being said I find I am becoming restless.

I am becoming restless not due to dis-satisfaction of any sort at home or with life in general. My restlessness comes from the 22 years of teaching and 27 years of coaching, of regular routines, and of giving a lot of myself to everyone else! Although it has all been enjoyable, I am selfishly eager to do more things for me that offer personal enjoyment, challenge and adversity - things that are away from the normal existence I have been living for more than half my life thus far.

I really look forward to the time when my wife and I don't have to work any longer. Unlike all my friends and many of you, I can't wait to get rid of my house! For me it offered a roof to raise a family and as they are growing and moving on it is no longer a necessity for me (my wife is not of the same opinion!). If it has wheels and is mobile that is another story as wheels offer mobility, adventure, and changing scenery.

Life is good but there is much more living to be done. You can count on me finding more ways to live more adventurously in the coming months and years ahead!

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