Saturday March 8....Geez, first day of March Break and I woke up at 4am to make coffee and search the internet for some ultra light gear. I think too much during my sleeping hours and I couldn't get sleeping bags out of my mind. I am having the hardest time finding a sleeping bag that suits my needs: ultralight at around 1-1.5lbs, down filled, packable and compressible, regular size, right zip, and a decent price (it is pricey!!). I am also searching for a sleeping pad with similar qualities: light, compressible, easy to inflate, etc.
I don't have much more to get for my 2745 mile Tour Divide bike adventure but the things I do need will cost a few bucks. This thing is a huge puzzle with many pieces: light gear, packable, minimal amounts, tools, lights, safety, sleep stuff, food, water, packs, bike repair, routes, maps, GPS, camp sites, food stops, wild animals, snow, rain, mountains, elevation, dehydration, water sources, dry gear, nuts, bolts, tape, rope, music, communication, flat tires, dogs, transportation to and from event and on and on. I am not complaining as it is a challenge piecing it all together and hopefully getting it right.
I've been reading everything there is and researching blogs, video, you tube, and websites for every piece of information I can find on the Tour Divide, the Continental Divide, Ultra Light Backpacking and Bikepacking. I've spoken to people about loading information on my GPS and will be taking a course in wilderness survival and another on bike repair and maintenance in the coming two months.
Time is closing in and June 13 and the Grande Depart from Banff is just around the corner. I need to get some consistent daily miles/hours in on the bike and am planning multiple 5-8 hour training days starting in April. I will stick to the 3-4 hour rides through the rest of this month until the weather warms up somewhat. I will also be doing a few overnight treks with 8-10 hour riding days just to test the body, mind, gear and sleep system.
Anyway, back to surfing the internet and planning today's ride. The sun is almost coming up...better get at it! Cya!
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